Why Nuclear Fusion Is Always 30 Years Away

I dunno, maybe because most of the money seems to get siphoned off for the biggest, most cumbersome, complex, and costly (the 3-Cs of most fusion research)  schemes and machines money can buy (and the bloated scientific staffs that build them) to solve what is essentially a simple challenge? Why Nuclear Fusion Is Always 30 Years […]

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#BOFN: “Safety”

If you’ve read anything about the promise of nuclear fusion, one of the words you encounter most frequently is “safe.” As in nuclear fusion will one day be a “clean, safe, and inexhaustible…” source of nuclear energy. Yeah, well, maybe.  Relatively speaking. Compared to the nuclear reactors online today, yes, fusion is probably “safer” than fission.

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New Feature: The Best of Fusor.Net
#BOFN – Runaway! (Or… Not?)

When we discussed the future of Fusor.net at the HEAS gathering at Richard Hull’s home back in October, one of the recurring themes was: there is a wealth of information buried beneath the detritus of daily exchanges that one typically finds in the forums. This site has been in existence more or less for nearly

New Feature: The Best of Fusor.Net
#BOFN – Runaway! (Or… Not?)
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