And Now… The New York Times…


Yeah, I'm sure that'll work...
Yeah, I’m sure that’ll work…

..chimes in on the story we’ve been following for a couple of weeks, with it’s own story about

Start-Ups Take On Challenge of Nuclear Fusion 

This is pretty much old news, finally being reported in the nation’s “paper of record,” so I guess that makes it official:

“The fusion era is here and coming,” said William D. Lese, a managing partner at Braemar Energy Ventures, a venture capital firm with a stake in General Fusion, one of the leading start-ups in the field. “The increase in activity in this space is perhaps a sign of that.”

The statement that I find most intriguing is:

“They just keep pounding on the same dead horse,” said Edward C. Morse, a nuclear physicist at the University of California, Berkeley. “What happens in fusion is that the same ideas pop up every two decades. It’s like a game of whack-a-mole.”

It’s interesting because, while the tokamaks and stellarators and polywells keep popping up… the fusor that we’re experimenting with here just stays in its hole.

It’s all like some Jedi mind trick…